Another Reason To Coexist...Part 2
"Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it. "--Thomas Jefferson
Read the previous post to read the first part of this article.
Two men, whose families have suffered greatly at the hands of religion-motivated violence, healing wounds by coming together....forgiveness is a beautiful thing.
How sweet. I wonder if God will let them hold hands on judgment day, right before he throws them both into hell.
tia...i agree with a lot you are saying. I also think we need to be careful not to abandon our beliefs in order to be able to listen better to theirs. It is important for us to show we can listen though. We always want people to listen to us because we think we are right, but rarely do we listen to others. I think this is what you are advocating for and is a noble cause.
I’m with you Tyler, compromising or sacrificing our beliefs to coexist is not coexistence at all, for one side ceases to exist to achieve peace. The word coexist implies existing at the same time in the same place DESPITE inherent differences, not at the cost of them. I am one of the most stubborn people you will ever meet and would not do well hiding or changing my beliefs to appease someone else, whether they are muslims, jews, or other christians. Thanks for weighing in.
Cassidy, that was possibly the cruelest thing you have ever spewed on this blog. Please do not come here and comment unless you have something relevant and intelligent to say.
Little does that heeb know that the towel head is holding a stick of dynamite behind his back.
I hope for your own sake that you are a young, sheltered, individual that doesn’t get the opportunity berate people outside of blogging world. Really, take a look a long hard look at yourself....your words here are ugly, shallow, immature, and embarrassing. May God strip the callousness away from your obviously wounded heart and remove the hatred that blinds your eyes.
Don't mock courage. Even if you a)don't agree with what they are doing or b)don't understand why they would do's takes real GUTS to do that.
on a side note...Tia, don't hate me but I HAD to laugh at cassidy m's second comment (NOT the first one). I had totally missed the hands behind the back thing at first glance. When I looked at it again with her comment in mind what I thought of was "I wonder if they have their fingers crossed like little kids do."
I know, I know, My mind can be terrible. :) I'm sure they were probably very sincere and, like I said earlier, courageous.
Ok, scold away. I'll still love you!
No scolding here. I probably have the sickest sense of humor of all and laugh at all the things that shouldn't be laughed at...
Cassidy just consistently comes on here to start trouble, but yes, I see in the humor in it.
When I even read Cassidy's FIRST comment I said "Oh, how funny" and then I realized what actually came out of my mouth and thought it was pretty sad.
I probably sound like a hyopcrite, but I think that the more intimate we get with Jesus himself, the better we would know to reach people of other religions and have true compassion for them. You know, gaining that Fruit of the Spirit before we force love down their throats.
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