Sunday, January 13, 2008

Good Theology From Pamela Anderson?

For years, Pamela Anderson has always given money or bought meals for homeless people on the street. No matter what city she is in, or who she is with, or how much of a hurry she is in, she always gives to any homeless people she sees along the away. Recently, she was asked why she feels compelled to do this and has NEVER passed any homeless people by. She responded:

"If I refuse one of them, I'd be like, 'Oh my God, what if that was Jesus?'"

Truth found in odd places is truth nonetheless.


Me said...

Tia, I'm loving what you're writing! Also, from a purely visual standpoint, I love the layout of your blog and how you use colors and fonts to bring things out. Great sight! One of my favorites!

Tia Lynn said...

Why, thanks! Glad to be of blogging service!

Catrina said...

Did you know that she is Landon's second cousin?

Anonymous said...

I've always though of Ms. Anderson as a lost and hurting soul. It's nice to know that she does have some sort of respect for Jesus. I hope she meets someone that will show her the kindness of Christ.

Tia Lynn said...

NO WAY!!!! I knew she was Canadian, though! Has he ever met her? That's crazy! Aww...he should write he a letter, she needs some help!

Catrina said...

I think he did meet her once or twice before she became famous, but I don't think there is any family connections still.

Elspeth said...

I concur: Truth found in odd places is indeed truth nonetheless. I've sent some link love your way tonight.

Mike L. said...

I really liked Pamela's comments, but....

I wonder if those are also fake ;-)

Tia Lynn said...

You just couldn't resist!

Anonymous said...

Why would you feel compelled to promote anything Pamela Anderson has to say? She’s the sluttiest fornicator glorified in our sodomic culture. It’s like glorifying Hitler because he said the sky was blue. Yes, it’s true, but surely you could find a better source to site. People like Pamela Anderson need to be publicly denounced to send a message that her behavior is intolerable, immoral, and revolting.

DeeAnn said...

And you did find a very flattering picture of her. She looks like a normal person.

April said...

Wow. Jeff is taking to heart the WWJD thing too, eh? ;)

Great post, Tia. ALWAYS making me think!!

Tia Lynn said...


I think that’s what the Pharisees wanted to do with the woman caught in adultery, yet Jesus turned the focus from her sin to their sin. Yes, he called her to sin no more, but he did not make a public spectacle out of her. He waited until everyone wandered off and then dealt with her. As always, it’s kindness that leads to repentance, not verbally stoning people.

And really, are you really going to compare Pamela Anderson to a man that slaughtered six million jews? OY.

Anonymous said...

Tia, yours is one of the more ballsy sites I frequent. Please keep it up!

(yes, Christy's home group leader just said ballsy... oy, indeed!!!)

Tia Lynn said...

Well, I am from New Jersey. I don’t think we Jersey-ites know how to be any other way. Throw in my Irish background—which if I am being true to stereotypes, makes me a hot-head with an affinity for religion and politics—then there is really no stopping the ballsy-ness! :)

DeeAnn said...

Yes, she makes up for it with her softness for stray dogs.

Hey, Tia- check out my baby sister. She's in my sidebar.

Tia Lynn said...

Oh she's so cute! I want to squeeze those cheeks!

Friar Don Pratt said...

Jeff D....get off the cross, we need the wood.

"Stop judging, that you may not be judged." (Mt 7:1)

Tia, thank you for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

She's such a pretty girl. It makes you wonder what happens to people in life when they are so willing to become sexual objects? Ive seen a few interviews with her and she seemed to be in such pain.

Anonymous said...

Truth is a funny thing. It can pop up anywhere!